Soon to be an animated short, coming soon to the web near you...
In house Animation and Graphic Designer at Synapse Information. Digital and Concept art freelancer. Specialist in character creations and portraiture drawing. Message me using the form or contact using for more details!
Gangsta Pug - Pugsy Malone Vs the Cod Father!
Soon to be an animated short, coming soon to the web near you...
Soon to be an animated short, coming soon to the web near you...
Finished Commission
My commission is finished! YES! It took me three long, long weeks. I probably went over the hours three times over. Thanks to my wonderful friends (they know who they are) who helped my when I was in a bind over time. Speaking of which, I spent a whole night on this, and never even noticed the time go... (I love animating.)
It's probably the best bit of animation I've ever done, and the client is happy with it!
Here's the final one for you to enjoy...
It's probably the best bit of animation I've ever done, and the client is happy with it!
Here's the final one for you to enjoy...
Digital painting,
photos. flowers,
photoshop painting,
staffordshire university,
traditional 2d animation,
vanessa j hill,
So the commission is almost finished...
I'm already feeling slightly gutted at the fact that my commission will be finished shortly. I've had great fun working on it. However, I do need to start getting my own uni work done, so I guess it works out well in the end.
Following the last meeting we had, I've now been able to show my client a version that will appear closest to what the final product will look like. She liked it; all that's missing is the beginning scene (which I am now colouring in), music and end few credits and logos. There's a hold that needs placing in there somewhere too!
Take a look... I still can't think of a text that will fit the style of the leaves yet though... hmmm
Following the last meeting we had, I've now been able to show my client a version that will appear closest to what the final product will look like. She liked it; all that's missing is the beginning scene (which I am now colouring in), music and end few credits and logos. There's a hold that needs placing in there somewhere too!
25fps@staffsuni Sting
Final animation for second uni year :)
Dice Bounce
Some more first year stuff... this was one of the first things I did on maya!
Box Walker
Another bit of first year animation... amazing to see how much I've progressed since then!
Green Screen
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